
Simple demonstration video of how to use

List of available parameters
Meaning: Annotation, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Node name, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Trigger event type for mouse or touch screen or external sensor.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
down: The user presses the button.
up: The user releases the button.
both: 「down」and「up」.
Default value: both

Meaning: The number of button events specified, when this number is reached, exit the current node. A value of zero means that the current node will not exit until it is forced to jump out by another node.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
NUMBER: An integer between zero and one hundred.
Default value: 0

Meaning: This name is used as the variable name of the custom button array, which is used to store all specified button objects.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Prohibit jumping to the specified node type during the current node duration.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
button: The specified node type is「Button」.
limit: The specified node type is「Limit」.
both: 「Button」and「Limit」.
Default value: NULL

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Categories Rules


Simple demonstration video of how to use

List of available parameters
Meaning: Annotation, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Node name, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Once the condition is met(the result is non-zero), it will jump to the current node after the specified time ends. Note that not all variable types are listened for value changes.
Valid format: Full arithmetic expression that supports variable values.
Available variable values:
#var.[STRING]: Custom numeric variable. The default value is 0.
#var.score: Predefined numeric variable. Modifying the value of this variable will refresh the software window at the same time to display the score in real time.
Default value: 1. Since there is no listening variable, it is only triggered once when the training is just started.

Meaning: The length of time from meeting the condition to jumping to the current node.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
NUMBER: The format is「hours:minutes:seconds」, it also supports one digit after the decimal point, for example,「5:2」 or「5:2.5」, etc.
Default value: 0

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Categories Rules


Simple demonstration video of how to use

List of available parameters
Meaning: Annotation, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Node name, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: If the condition is true(non-zero), enter the current node, otherwise enter the adjacent node on the right. The result is written to「#sys.number」.
Valid format: Full arithmetic expression that supports variable values.
Available variable values:
#var.[STRING]: Custom numeric variable. The default value is 0.
#var.score: Predefined numeric variable. Modifying the value of this variable will refresh the software window at the same time to display the score in real time.
#sys.number: Non-writable predefined numeric variable. Record the execution result of each rule node, concrete values depend on different rule node types.
#sys.time: Non-writable predefined time variable. Record how long the training has been running.
#sys.pointer: Non-writable predefined pointer variable. It has various functions, such as recording the node name of the previous node.
Default value: 1

Meaning: The target numeric variable.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
#var.[STRING]: Custom numeric variable. The default value is 0.
#var.score: Predefined numeric variable. Modifying the value of this variable will refresh the software window at the same time to display the score in real time.
Default value: NULL

Meaning: The value used to write to the target variable.
Valid format: Full arithmetic expression that supports variable values.
Available variable values:
#var.[STRING]: Custom numeric variable. The default value is 0.
#var.score: Predefined numeric variable. Modifying the value of this variable will refresh the software window at the same time to display the score in real time.
#sys.number: Non-writable predefined numeric variable. Record the execution result of each rule node, concrete values depend on different rule node types.
#sys.time: Non-writable predefined time variable. Record how long the training has been running.
#sys.pointer: Non-writable predefined pointer variable. It has various functions, such as recording the node name of the previous node.
Default value: NULL. Will delete the target numeric variable. When reach the maximum number of custom variables, you need to delete or reuse.

Meaning: The target string variable.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
#svar.[STRING]: Custom string variable. The default value is an empty string.
#svar.result: Predefined string variable. The variable value can be viewed by clicking the menu item「Detailed Results」after training.
Default value: NULL

Meaning: A sequence of actions on the target variable.
Valid format: A combination of values from the available values, separated by commas.
Available values:
newline: Append a newline character to the string.
comma: Append a comma to the string.
[STRING]: Append string constant to string.
#sys.string: Append string variable to string. This value can be entered together with the ID of the layout grid.
#sys.pointer: Append if it is a string.
#sys.time: Append training run time. Accurate to 100 milliseconds.
#sys.number: Add numeric variable to string.
#var.[STRING]: Add custom numeric variable to string.
#var.score: Add numeric variable to string.
#svar.[STRING]: Add custom string variable to string.
#svar.result: Add string variable to string.
split: Use the subsequent string value as a string delimiter, if the subsequent value is not a string, no longer split the string. This will affect subsequent actions such as adding and deleting and getting, for example, append will automatically append the delimiter first.
nosplit: No longer split strings. This is the default value.
locate: Use the subsequent numeric variable as the current position, if the subsequent value is not a numeric variable, no longer change the current position. This will affect subsequent actions such as adding and deleting and getting.
locate NUMBER: Use a numeric constant as the current position. The default current position is 0, which means the last, 1 means before the first character or string.
del: Delete the character or string at the current position.
clear: Empty the string from the current position.
getindex: Gets the one-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string from the current position. Please follow the string value and then the writable numeric variable.
getvalue: Gets the string of the current position. Please follow the writable string variable.
getnum: Gets the number of characters or strings. Please follow the writable numeric variable.
geteval: Operates on strings as arithmetic expressions and gets the result of the operation. Please follow two writable numeric variables, one for the error number and one for the result of the operation.
Default value: NULL. Will delete the target string variable. When reach the maximum number of custom variables, you need to delete or reuse.

Meaning: The target button array variable.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
#bvar.[STRING]: Custom button array variable. The default value is an empty array.
Default value: NULL

Meaning: A sequence of actions on the target variable.
Valid format: A combination of values from the available values, separated by commas.
Available values:
#sys.button: Add button variable to array. This value is generated by「Button」node or「System Button」node.
#bvar.[STRING]: Add custom button array variable to array.
#var.score: Used to receive a numeric value or read as the current position.
#var.[STRING]: Used to receive a numeric value or read as the current position.
locate: Use the subsequent numeric variable as the current position, if the subsequent value is not a numeric variable, no longer change the current position. This will affect subsequent actions such as adding and deleting and getting.
locate NUMBER: Use a numeric constant as the current position. The default current position is 0, which means the last, 1 means before the first button object.
del: Delete the button object at the current position.
clear: Empty the array from the current position.
clear down: Clear all button down objects「Button」and light on objects「System Button」from the current position.
clear up: Clear all button up objects「Button」and light off objects「System Button」from the current position.
getindex: Gets the one-based index of the first occurrence of the specified button object from the current position. Please follow the button object value and then the writable numeric variable.
getnum: Gets the number of button objects. Please follow the writable numeric variable.
getflnum: Compares two array variables by checking the first button object against each other, the second button object against each other, and so on until it finds an inequality or reaches the ends of the array, and gets the number of identical objects. Please follow the button array variable and then the writable numeric variable.
Default value: NULL. Will delete the target button array variable. When reach the maximum number of custom variables, you need to delete or reuse.

Meaning: The target numeric array variable.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
#nvar.[STRING]: Custom numeric array variable. The default value is an empty array.
Default value: NULL

Meaning: A sequence of actions on the target variable.
Valid format: A combination of values from the available values, separated by commas.
Available values:
#sys.time: Add the current training running time to array.
#sys.number: Add numeric variable value to array.
#var.score: Add numeric variable value to array.
#var.[STRING]: Add custom numeric variable value to array.
NUMBER: Add numeric constant value to array. Support decimal points, such as 12 or 12.34.
#nvar.[STRING]: Add custom numeric array variable to array.
locate: Use the subsequent numeric variable as the current position, if the subsequent value is not a numeric variable, no longer change the current position. This will affect subsequent actions such as adding and deleting and getting.
locate NUMBER: Use a numeric constant as the current position. The default current position is 0, which means the last, 1 means before the first numeric object.
del: Delete a numeric object at the current position.
clear: Empty the array from the current position.
getindex: Gets the one-based index of the first occurrence of the specified number from the current position. Please follow the numeric value and then the writable numeric variable.
getvalue: Gets the numeric value of the current position. Please follow the writable numeric variable.
getnum: Gets the number of numeric values. Please follow the writable numeric variable.
Default value: NULL. Will delete the target numeric array variable. When reach the maximum number of custom variables, you need to delete or reuse.

Meaning: Jump from the current node to the specified node, and other related functions.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
exit: Exit training in the current area.
exit other: Exit training in other areas.
next: Jump to the adjacent node on the right.
next[STRING]: Jump to the adjacent node with the specified node name on the right.
prev: Jump to the adjacent node on the left.
prev[STRING]: Jump to the adjacent node with the specified node name on the left.
back: Jump back to the previous node.
next,through: If the next node is a「Button」node, then enter directly without waiting. Other similar parameter values are also supported, such as「back,through」or「next[STRING],through」or「prev,through」or「prev[STRING],through」.
Default value: NULL. Stay at the current node without jumping to another node.

Meaning: Prohibit jumping to the specified node type during the current node duration.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
button: The specified node type is「Button」.
limit: The specified node type is「Limit」.
Default value: NULL

Continuous updates

Categories Rules


Simple demonstration video of how to use

List of available parameters
Meaning: Annotation, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: Node name, all rule nodes have this parameter.
Valid format: STRING
Default value: NULL

Meaning: The type of value to search for.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
id: The ID of each grid corresponding to the layout.
serial NUMBER: coordinate of「layout」if layout is specified, coordinate of「generate」otherwise. The coordinate value is a sequence number from top left to bottom right, coordinate values start from 1,「NUMBER」is the horizontal coordinate width.
Default value: id

Meaning: Value to search for. Arithmetic expression, the result is written to「#sys.number」.
Valid format: Full arithmetic expression that supports variable values.
Available variable values:
#var.[STRING]: Custom numeric variable. The default value is 0.
#var.score: Predefined numeric variable. Modifying the value of this variable will refresh the software window at the same time to display the score in real time.
#sys.number: Non-writable predefined numeric variable. Record the execution result of each rule node, concrete values depend on different rule node types.
#sys.time: Non-writable predefined time variable. Record how long the training has been running.
#sys.pointer: Non-writable predefined pointer variable. It has various functions, such as recording the node name of the previous node.
Default value: If the value of「?search:」is「id」, all layout grids within the game area are matched. If the value of「?search:」is「serial NUMBER」, all game area grids of the specified width are matched.

Meaning: Whether to highlight the corresponding grid on the screen. If there is an external sensor, control whether the corresponding button lights up.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
off: Unhighlight.
on: Highlight.
Default value: off

Meaning: The text content to display on the corresponding grid.
Valid format: One of the available values.
Available values:
#svar.[STRING]: Custom string variable. The default value is an empty string.
#svar.result: Predefined string variable. The variable value can be viewed by clicking the menu item「Detailed Results」after training.
Default value: Empty string

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Categories Rules